Top 3 SARMS for cutting


  • while Cardarine is not technically a SARM, we still include it on this list, because it is often sold by supplement companies together with SARMs
  • it is technically a PPAR Delta receptor agonist, which makes it a phenomenal blend for endurance and cutting phase
  • it is not a SARM, so it will not suppress testosterone levels and no PCT supplementation is required after the cycle, but no clinical studies have been performed in humans, only in mice, so do not rule out PTC for your own benefit
  • it has been tested as a potential drug for metabolic disorders and muscle atrophy
  • It can also help heal bones and may be helpful for patients diagnosed with osteoporosis
  • It is used to lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol

This drug is a PPAR gamma receptor agonist, which means that it allows the body to release energy while resting. But instead of consuming energy from muscle, your body gets to burn stored fat. It also supports energy levels, so you will not feel lacking when following a diet.


  • This is another drug that we often refer as a SARM, but it technically is not one
  • it is a Rev-ErbA agonist developed by Professor Thomas Burris
  • no side effects are known, so it does not require PTC
  • It helps the body burn more fat, even when resting, by activating metabolism
  • it has positive effect on cholesterol and increases physical endurance.

Thanks to these properties such as increased fat breakdown and increased energy, it can be a greatly improve dieting.

The rev-Erb-α gene is in charge of various functions that make certain changes in our metabolism. It does this by increasing the number of mitochondria in the cells and controlling circadian rhythms. This basically means that you gain energy by burning stored fat and improve your metabolism.


  • andarine is a selective androgen receptor that ranks among the best SARMs for cutting
  • Research concludes that it helps reduce lipoproteins (enzyme responsible for lipid accumulation - fat storage)
  • due to its anabolic and androgenic effects on muscle tissue, it helps to break down fat while maintaining or increasing muscle mass

It was developed to fight osteoporosis and muscle loss - so you can imagine what it can do for a healthy person.

In addition to improving muscle mass, S-4 can also help break down fats. Increased muscle volume combined with increased fat loss should help you achieve the desired "cut" look.

TIP! Cutting phase SARMs mix:

- MK-2866 Ostarine 20 mg daily combined with GW-501516 Cardarine 10 mg daily for a 10 week cycle. This combination is great for maintaining muscle mass, burning fat and improving gym performance.

- MK-2866 Ostarine 20 mg daily combined with LGD-4033 Ligandrol 5 mg daily for an 8-week cycle. This combination can help you gain muscle mass during cutting phase and prevent you from losing muscles gained during the last volume cycle.

It should be kept in mind that the use of these SARMs alone will not be sufficient to maintain the cutting phase. It is also necessary to eat a caloric deficiency, maintain a healthy diet and stick to effective and dynamic gym training.