1. Terms and Conditions www.vipsarms.com

The following General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply exclusively, even if access to www.vipsarms.com is made from outside the UK. The customer’s terms and conditions of business that are different will not be part of the contract even without our express objection in the case of our delivery.

2. Offer

Our offers are freely revocable and are to be understood merely as a request for the buyer to submit purchase offers. Only the ordering of a goods by clicking on the button “Buy Now” constitutes a binding offer for the conclusion of a purchase contract.

3. Conclusion Of The Contract And Ordering Process

(1) In our webshop only adult persons who have a residence in a Member State of the European Union can order.


(2) The buyer can select products from our range without obligation and collect them via the button “Add to Cart” in a so-called shopping cart. The buyer can then proceed to the conclusion of the order process within the shopping cart via the “Proceed to checkout” button. By clicking on the “Order now for a fee” button, the buyer makes a legally binding offer for the purchase of the goods in the shopping cart. Before sending the order, the buyer can view and change the data at any time. Necessary information is marked with an asterisk (*). After ordering, we will send the buyer an automatic receipt confirmation by e-mail, in which the buyer’s order is listed again and which the buyer can print out via the “Print” function (order confirmation). The automatic acknowledgement of receipt merely documents that the buyer’s order has been received by us and does not constitute a legally binding acceptance of the buyer’s offer. The purchase contract only comes into existence if we have shipped the ordered product to the buyer within 4 working days, handed it over or confirmed the shipment to the buyer within 4 working days with a second email, express order confirmation or sending of the invoice.


(3) In the case of payment type “advance payment”, the contract is concluded with the provision of the bank data and payment request. If the payment has not been received by us by 10 calendar days after the dispatch of the order confirmation, despite the due date, even after a renewed request, we shall withdraw from the contract with the consequence that the order has lapsed and we no longer have a delivery obligation. The order is then completed for the customer and us without any further consequences. Reservation of the item in case of advance payment is therefore not possible for more than 10 calendar days.

4. Prices And Shipping Costs

The prices listed on the product pages are inclusive of the statutory value added tax. The shipping costs depend on the type of goods ordered and the shipping method and are clearly communicated to the buyer before submitting your binding order. An overview can be found on the page “Shipping costs”.

5. Payment And Delivery

(1) Payment for the goods is on delivery.


(2) Goods are delivered within 3-5 working days.


(3) Delivery is made by sending the product to the address provided by the customer. The customer assures that he has deposited the complete and correct delivery address with the order. Should there be additional costs for delivery due to faulty delivery address data, the customer has to replace them. The customer is obliged to ensure that during normal business and delivery times, the ordered goods can be delivered to the specified delivery address.

The delivery period begins on the day after the payment order has been issued to the transferring credit institution or, for other payment methods (credit card), after the conclusion of the contract and ends on the following fifth day. If the last day of the period falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a general holiday recognized by the State at the place of delivery, the next working day shall replace such a day.


(4) Agreed delivery times can only be observed if the buyer has fulfilled his obligations (for example, the timely payment of an agreed down payment, complete provision of any information to be provided). In the case of subsequent requests for changes or additions by the purchaser, the delivery time is extended appropriately. The delivery period is adhered to if the goods are shipped or the readiness for dispatch is communicated to the purchaser until their expiry.


(5) Even in the case of agreed deadlines, we shall not be responsible for delays in delivery and performance due to force majeure. Force majeure includes, in particular, war, disturbances, high-hand interventions, measures in the context of industrial disputes, strikes or lockouts, shortages of raw materials or energy, and unavoidable disruptions of operation or transport, such as, for example, power failure, fire, water bursts or weather influences affecting transport. This shall also apply if the above conditions occur with the suppliers or if we are not supplied by them through no fault of our own despite corresponding contracts which would have covered the requirements arising from the agreement with the buyer. In this case, we are entitled to postpone the delivery or service for the duration of the obstruction plus a reasonable starting time or to withdraw from the contract in whole or in part because of the part not yet fulfilled.

6. Partial Deliveries

We are entitled to make partial deliveries insofar as this is not unreasonable for the buyer. A withdrawal of the purchaser from the entire contract due to partial delay or partial impossibility is only permissible if the partial service provided is demonstrably without interest for the purchaser.

7. Reservation Of Title

The goods remain our property until full payment has been made. If the purchaser is in default with payment for more than 10 days, we have the right to withdraw from the contract and to claim back the goods.

8. Right Of Withdrawal

If the customer is a natural person who enters into a legal transaction for a purpose which cannot be attributed predominantly to his commercial or independent professional activity (consumer), the customer is entitled to a right of withdrawal in accordance with the applicable laws of the UK.



You have the right to cancel this contract within fourteen days without giving any reasons. The withdrawal period shall be fourteen days from the day on which you or a third party named by you, who is not the carrier, took possession of the goods; in the case of a contract for several goods which you have ordered with a uniform order and which are delivered separately, the withdrawal period shall be fourteen days from the day on which you or a third party named by you who is not the carrier took possession of the last goods. In order to exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us (name, address, contact details, e-mail) by means of a clear declaration (e.g. a letter sent by post, fax or e-mail) of your decision to withdraw from this contract. You can use the attached model revocation form, which is not required. In order to safeguard the revocation period, it is sufficient that you send the notification of the exercise of the right of revocation before the expiry of the revocation period.


If you withdraw from this contract, we shall have to reimburse you all payments received from you, including delivery costs (except for additional costs arising from your choice of a different type of delivery than the cheapest standard delivery offered by us) without delay and at the latest within fourteen days from the date on which we received the notification of your withdrawal of this contract. We will use the same means of payment as you used in the original transaction for this repayment, unless otherwise expressly agreed with you; in no case will you be charged for this repayment. We may refuse reimbursement until we have received the goods back or until you have provided proof that you have returned the goods, whichever is the earlier. You must return the goods to the customer (name, address) immediately and in any case no later than fourteen days from the day on which you inform us of the revocation of this contract. The deadline is met if you send the goods before the deadline of fourteen days. They shall bear the direct costs of returning the goods.

They only have to pay for a possible loss of value of the goods if this loss of value is due to a handling which is not necessary for checking the quality, properties and functioning of the goods.

Sample Withdrawal Form

(If you wish to cancel the contract, please fill in this form and send it back.) – To … (name),

Address, telephone number: … , e-mail address: …:

– I/we (*) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me/us (*) for the purchase of the following goods (*)/ the provision of the following service (*)

-Ordered on (*)/received on (*)

-Name of the consumer(s)

-Address of the consumer(s)

– Signature of the consumer(s) (only for communication on paper)

– Date _________________

(*) Delete where not applicable.


9. Defects

(1) Insofar as the delivered goods are defective, the purchaser is entitled within the scope of the statutory provisions to demand supplementary performance, to withdraw from the contract or to reduce the purchase price.

(2) The period of limitation of warranty claims for the delivered goods in legal dealings with consumers is two years from receipt of the goods. For buyers who are not consumers, the limitation period for warranty claims is one year.

(3) In the case of transactions with merchants, the purchaser must immediately inspect the shipment for transport and other damage upon arrival and notify us of any damage or loss immediately by a written notification stating the exact facts. The provision of the UK Commercial Code remains applicable. In this case, the defective delivery items are to be kept ready for inspection by us in the state in which they are in at the time of detection of the defect.

(4) Goods must be returned, provided that the purchaser is an entrepreneur or legal person under public law, to be carried out free of charge. For the review of unjustified or incomplete returns of rejected goods, we can charge a processing fee of 25.00 EUR (including VAT) or charge specifically. A processing fee is not applicable, provided that not 6 months have passed since the sale and handover of the goods by us. When the processing fee is collected, the buyer is reserved the right to counter proof that a lower damage has actually occurred.

(5) If the delivery item is defective or if it becomes defective within the agreed period of limitation due to manufacturing or material defects, we deliver at our discretion replacement or repair to buyers who are not consumers. Buyers who are not consumers are regularly entitled to at least two attempts at rectification.

(6) If the rectification or replacement fails after setting a reasonable period of time, the purchaser may, after the statutory conditions have been met, optionally demand a reduction of the remuneration or cancelation of the contract.

(7) During the performance of a rectification, the expiry of the limitation period is inhibited.


(8) Guarantees are only available if descriptions of the goods have been expressly designated as warranty in writing.

10. Final provisions

1. The laws of the UK shall apply exclusively. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (UNCISG) of April 11th, 1980, the Uniform Law on Purchases (EKG) and the Uniform Law on the Completion of Purchases (EKAG) do not apply.


(2) The place of fulfillment and exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from contracts with companies and legal persons under public law, which are based on these terms and conditions, is London.


Last updated: August