Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What are SARMS?

SARMs = selective androgen receptor modulators


You might have heard of SARMs if you’ve spent a lot of time in the gym or anywhere surrounded by bodybuilders, but you may not be entirely sure what they are. They are best defined as a synthetic substance that affects the body mimicking testosterone. Bodybuilders often consider them a safe and legal alternative to steroids. They can also help a person overcome their physical limits when it comes to building muscle and burning fat.


SARM stands for “Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator”. It basically describes their action when interacting with the body. The first word, selective, implies that they are able to selectively target and increase certain bodily functions, such as building muscle and burning fat. Due to their selective function, they are also known to have a much lower risk of adverse side effects than steroids or other alternatives.


There are many different types of SARMS, and although most of them help with muscle building and fat loss, their actions slighty vary.


It is likely that you have heard a lot of misinformation concerning SARMS, unfortunately, many fitness sites spread false information.


Like any other drug, SARMs must be consumed in effective doses to achieve desired results. When buying SARMs, one also has to be very careful, as there is no universal SARMs method.


To achieve tdesired results in required time, you need to be make sure to use effective concentration and dose, in order to not to overload your body. SAMRs are available in all three types:


  • Powdered
  • Liquid
  • Capsules or tablets

I doubt which SARMS to use, as there are so many different types and you don’t know which is the best? Don´t worry! That’s why we’re here. Let´s have a look at some of the best SARMS for reducing body fat or, conversely, for increasing muscle volume or treatment.

2. Are SARMs safe?

Almost anything is life is dangerous, if you do it too often, or regardless of yourself and your health. SARMs are not dangerous if you use the minimum necessary to get the desired results and follow all guidelines. SARMs usually affect testosterone levels, are anabolic and androgenic, which can cause significant problems if you allow testosterone levels to drop and do not act upon it. However, if you are using a PCT supplement to create testosterone between SARM cycles, you should be fine.

SARMs do not carry as much risk as anabolic steroids, they are exactly as their name describes: Selective androgen receptor modulators. It does not act upon all androgen receptors. However, you must also understand that SARMs are research chemicals that have never undergone full human testing, and therefore there is always some element of long-term risk.

3. Can SARMs cause gynecomastia?

The answer is yes and no. The truth is that some SARMs can cause gynecomastia, but only if they suppress testosterone. It is not true that all SARMs suppress testosterone (depending on the dosage), but potentially the most suppressive SARMs are LGD-4033, RAD-140 and S-23. Ostarine can also cause gynecomastia, but only if you take very high doses very regularly. Other SARMs are not really SARMs at all, and the Mk-677 or GW-501516 do not suppress testosterone. In case of correct PCT dosing

4. How long do SARMs remain in your body?

It is not possible to identify how long SARMs remain in ones body. It is so as there are many different types of SARMs, all with different durations. Also, the half-life of most SARMs is not actually formally known. In addition, how large a dose you consume will determine how long does it take for the SARM to be eliminated. However, anecdotal evidence from substance testing suggests that some SARMs are detectable even three weeks after their last administration.

This article is for informational purposes only. If you opt for this supplement, pay attention to the correct dosage, liver protection and PCT in between cycles.